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Carromancy Symbolic Meanings

For Reading Symbols in Wax from Candle Magick or Wax Scrying in Water


Airplane  - journey, trip, motivation is coming


Alligator or Crocodile – look for opportunity, slow down, listen to primal instincts


Anchor  - success in business or love, stability 


Apple - fruition, abundance, love, marriage, good luck


Arm - direction, accept help from others or offer help


Arrow  - direction, focus


Baby  - new beginnings, small worries 


Ball or Balloon  - your problem will not last very long, strength


Bat (animal)  - rebirth/death, community, balance, good fortune, supernatural powers


Beans  - growth, prosperity coming, magick powers


Bear - strength, courage


Bed  - A vacation would be good for you, rest


Bee - prosperity, good luck, sign of a soul that has departed is near​


Bells  - a warning, marriage, beginnings and endings


Bird  - vision, clarity, news will reach you soon


Boat - help is coming, adventure, exciting beginnings


Book  - imagination, tradition, wisdom


Boot  - travel, work, industry


Bridge  - take a chance, union, togetherness, connection


Broom  - make a change, good luck, protection against evil


Bug - greed, destruction, detachment


Butterfly - transformation, positive change, spirit looking over you


Camel - patience is needed, overcoming burdens


Candle  - search for truth, spiritual growth


Cat  - impetuousness, curiosity, a friend is untrue


Chain  - go ahead with your plans, break free


Chair  - stagnation, instability, tiredness


Circles - great success, reconciliation, completion


Cloud - something or someone threatens you, strong emotional response


Clover - good luck is coming 


Coins - material security, good luck


Cow - abundance, fertility (creative or physical)


Crab - sidestep obstacles with grace, renewal, protection


Crescent Moon - prosperity is coming, success, opportunity 


Cross  - religious quest, do not fear for you are protected


Crown - leadership, ego


Cup - healing, relationships, intuition


Dagger - caution against using sharp words, betrayal, don't reveal secrets


Deer - shyness, be more assertive, endurance, longevity


Dog  - loyalty, dependability, faithful friends


Dove - peace, reconciliation, spirit


Dragon - wisdom, strength, big changes are coming, facing fears


Duck - fidelity, balance, staying afloat


Ear - be alert for an opportunity to advance in your work


Egg – new developments soon, new beginnings


Elephant - longevity, good luck, good health


Eye  - soul, introspection, intuition, someone is watching you


Faces - spirit guides, someone you know, pay attention to the expression for further meaning


Fan - a surprise is in store for you


Feather  - flight, independence, wanderlust, the problem will be solved, message from Spirit


Fish – someone will betray you, watch out for false friends, intuition, emotional issues


Flag - take warning, choose a side


Flame  - creativity, art, your situation is cleansed


Flowers - happiness, success, optimism 


Fox - trickery, craftiness


Frog - transformation, adapting, fertility


Gate - openings, transitions, protection


Ghost – someone from the past is looking for you, ancestors are near


Goat - misfortune, hardiness, overworking


Grass – good fortune is approaching, prosperity, growth 


Hammer - triumph over adversity, perseverance 


Hand  - help is coming, new relationship, new work partner


Harp - ancestors, love


Hat - a change of location is indicated, authority


Heart  - love, emotion, partnership


Horse  - teamwork, strength, endurance


Horseshoe - protection, good luck, marriage


Hourglass - time warning, urgency


House - better times are coming, a move is needed


Kettle - happy home life, comfort during sadness and grief


Key  - knowledge, education, opportunity


Kite – go forward with new ideas, travel 


Knife - arguments, surgery, cutting through problems


Ladder - take steps to change your attitude toward an old friend or situation, success in work situations


Leaf or leaves  - fertility, nature, energy, things will be changing soon


Letters  - references to the names of friends or relatives


Lightning - sudden realizations, inspiration, weather warning


Lion – an unpleasant situation is developing, have courage


Mermaid - Trickery, emotional entanglement


Money - check your finances, money is on the way


Monkey - trickery, deceit, secret enemies, problem solving, persevere 


Moon  - denial, female intuition, lunar connection, feminine energy, release (see also crescent moon)


Mountain – overcome obstacles, good friends are willing to help you


Mouse - uninvited guests, poverty, caution is needed


Mushroom - prosperity, growth, an argument might be coming


Numbers  - indicators of spans of time, such as months or years


Owl  - wisdom, isolation 


Palm Tree - journey abroad, vacation is needed, travel 


Pants – you will be tempted


Parrot - communication, travel, gossip/chatter


Peacock - vanity, success, love


Pen – expect a letter from a relative or friend


Pentagram - protection, Spirit, connection, eternity


Pig - both good and bad luck, greed, faithful lover, jealous friends


Pin – beware of sharp words from others, harsh criticism


Pipe – peace and comfort, make peace with enemies, forgiveness


Question Mark - uncertainty, the answer is not clear, a surprise, ask more questions


Rabbit - Lunar Energy, good luck, fertility, innocence 


Rainbow - wishes, hope, end of troubles


Rat - betrayal, prosperity


Raven - warning of danger


Ring – wealth, success, marriage may be possible in the near future


Rose - love, happiness, secrecy, romance


Scales - balance, justice


Scissors – separation, cut ties


Scorpion - enemies, treachery, endings 


Shark - danger, beware of other people


Sheep - shyness, lack of independent thought 


Shells - holiday, romance 


Shoe – be suspicious of a new acquaintance, a new journey is approaching 


Shovel  - hard work, reaching hidden depths


Snake – be on guard against an enemy, protection, rebirth


Spider - connectedness, feminine energy, fate, money is coming 


Spider web – connection, collective, pleasant happenings


Spirals - history repeating itself, cycle of life, death and rebirth


Squares  - the need for caution, logic is needed


Star  - spirituality, popularity, happiness, healing


Sun  - enlightenment, happiness, children, good fortune


Swan - good luck, serenity, protection 


Table - an abundance of blessings, spiritual nourishment is needed


Train - travel, on the right track, progress


Tree  - family, stability, a good time for new undertakings


Triangles  - good karma, manifestation is nearing completion, connection to higher realm


Umbrella – protective shield is needed, negative energy is coming


Unicorn - purity, innocence 


Vase  - material concerns, greed, obsessed with material wealth and possessions


Vulture - hard times, bitterness between rivals


Walking stick – get out of the house and visit friends, get in touch with nature, grounding


Wheat - abundance, prosperity


Wheel – one who has been away will return soon, end of a cycle


Wine - temperance, celebration is coming


Wings - protection, message from deceased, spirit guides have a message, purity


Witch – danger will pass you by, protection from evil eyes


Wolf - hardships, intrigue, a sign to get in touch with nature, release


Worm – renewal, truth lies within you, grounding is needed,  Business troubles are ahead if you are not careful


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